Do you yearn for a church that offers Christ's mercy and comfort in a chaotic world?

For more than 150 years, Holy Cross Episcopal Church has been a beacon of faith in Central Florida. We're a vibrant, growing community in the heart of downtown Sanford sharing the message of God's love through worship, fellowship, and service.

All Christians -- as well as people of other faiths or no faith -- are welcome. Our rich Anglican tradition and focus on the Gospel of Jesus Christ provide comfort and hope for those seeking solace in a chaotic world.

A message from our rector

Welcome to Holy Cross! We exist to proclaim the glory of Christ and his Gospel; that Jesus is the light and life of the whole world.

In the Gospel, Jesus refers to himself as the “vine” and we are commanded to abide in him. Jesus is implying that we all abide in something; we all find our rest in something; the source and meaning of our life in something. Jesus wants to be the source, the meaning, the anchor of our lives.

Whoever you are and wherever you’ve been, whatever you’ve been anchoring your life to before today, the good news of the Gospel is that it's never too late to return to the true vine — God’s love for a broken and weary world — Jesus Christ.

- The Reverend Jared L. Jones
Rector of Holy Cross Episcopal Church

Your spiritual journey starts here

Whether you are new to the Episcopal church or just Holy Cross, we appreciate your visit with us today. We all long to worship something, to live for something beyond ourselves, to be completely satisfied in something.

St. Augustine once said, "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You."

Perhaps you feel "restless", like you have a spiritual itch that you just can't scratch. Holy Cross offers you a refuge to be at rest in your life and to experience the love that God has poured into our hearts.