Worship with us on Sundays
at 8:30 am & 10:15 am
At Holy Cross, we believe that church exists for the glory of God, revealed by His mercy for sinners like you and me. As the Anglican collect puts it “O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy…” We gather on Sundays to worship and glorify God as we hear of His great love for us in Christ’s death on the cross for our sins.
Our worship is vibrant and traditional. Filled with centuries-old traditions that include prayers, hymns, and Bible readings, our weekly service is a time for the community to come together, connect with God, and receive spiritual nourishment.
Lastly, our worship is meant to provide rest. Rest in a spiritual sense where we find ourselves being comforted by the promises of God. But also rest in an emotional and even physical sense. Our music and worship service are designed to not increase your heart rate or create anxiety (no loud thumping bass or light shows). But rather a place of peace. Our worship is simple and reverent, while also being vibrant and life-giving. If you think those are mutually exclusive, then you’ll just have to come by to see what we mean.
Join us this Sunday at Holy Cross as we worship Christ's deep and abiding love and forgiveness for us.

“Hear now what comfortable words our Savior Christ saith unto all who truly turn to Him…”