Imperfect Yet Loved - Help share Christ's message of acceptance with your financial support

Whether you give a single gift or recurring contributions, your generosity enhances our shared journey of faith and fellowship in Sanford, Florida and beyond

Donate in Person

Join us on Sundays at Holy Cross and celebrate the wonderful grace of God given to us in Jesus Christ. Although not required, if you feel called to give during the service, we cherish your donation — no matter the size.

Make a Pledge

Committing your financial support to Holy Cross helps us fulfill the church’s spiritual mission and fosters a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

Give Online

Make a one-time or recurring gift from anywhere at any time. Donate simply and securely with debit, credit or ACH; Track, adjust, or stop your giving whenever you want.

Share Your Talents

Stewardship is about more than just money – it’s offering your time and talents to Holy Cross as well. Your help strengthens our church family and allows us to spread Christ’s message to more people.

Supporting Holy Cross

What is a monetary donation?

It is a voluntary contribution you make via cash, check, or electronic payment. This type of giving represents a more casual or occasional donation often made by our many visitors. It is usually given without promise of future contributions, unlike a member’s pledge. 

How do I make my donation?

You can give cash, write a check to Holy Cross Episcopal Church, or use your phone to make an online donation. Monetary contributions are typically collected during the offertory portion of our Sunday services. We would love for you to join us whether or not you make a donation.

What amount should I give?

Any contribution is greatly appreciated. Know that your donation is entirely voluntary and will be treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality. 

Why is my donation important to Holy Cross?

Your monetary contribution today — no matter the size — holds significant value. Just like every drop in the ocean matters, every donation contributes to our ability to operate and serve. We thank you for your generosity and hope that it inspires others to contribute as well.

What is a pledge?

It is a commitment made by Holy Cross members to contribute a certain amount of money to the church. It is almost always paid incrementally over a specified period, usually a calendar year. Making a pledge is an act of stewardship. It reflects a thoughtful and prayerful decision about offering financial resources as part of one’s faith practice. 

When do I make my pledge?

The most common time to make a pledge is during the annual stewardship campaign, which typically takes place in the fall. This timing aligns with our budget planning process for the following year.

However, Holy Cross welcomes pledges at any time of the year. New members or those who missed the fall campaign can make their pledge whenever they are ready.

How much should I give to the church?

Determining how much is a personal decision and can vary greatly among individuals. The Bible offers guidance as giving 10% of one’s income, referred to as tithing. You might spend time in prayer reflecting on how much to give the church, while also considering your financial situation. Your pledge should be meaningful, but not cause undue financial strain. Remember, there’s no set amount that’s right for every member. The Episcopal Church values all contributions.

How do I make a pledge?

You make a written commitment by filling out a pledge card or our online pledge form (scroll below). This is a simple document or form where you can indicate the amount you intend to give and the frequency of your gifts (e.g., weekly, monthly). We acknowledge receipt of your pledge once submitted and if requested, provide you collection envelopes for your offerings during Sunday services.

What if I cannot fulfill my pledge?

Your pledge is not a legally binding contract, but rather a statement of intent or spiritual commitment. Please let our treasurer or our rector know about your situation. We recognize that life circumstances can change unexpectedly. 

How will my pledge be used?

Your financial support goes to our programs and ministries, building operations and maintenance, personnel, and community outreach. It enables worship, learning, and service to others, for all ages and encourages our community’s growth in faith together. If you ever have questions about how the money is spent, please attend one of our regular vestry meetings, which usually include a review of the church’s finances. 

How does the church use my pledge information?

First and foremost, your pledge information is treated with a high degree of confidentiality. Only authorized personnel, such as the church treasurer and the rector, have access to this information. We share how much has been pledged in the congregation overall with the leadership of the church. They use that information to make a budget for the coming year.

Who do I talk to if I have more questions?

Email your questions to our treasurer, Drew Radenhausen, [email protected]. You can also call or ask our rector, Rev. Jared Jones, at the Holy Cross office (407) 322-4611.

What is online giving?

It is a method of donating money to Holy Cross through the internet. Online giving allows church members and supporters to make contributions electronically through the Realm website.

Why would I want to give online?

Donating online is convenient, secure, and flexible. The Realm website makes it easy to give money electronically via credit card or your bank at any time and from anywhere. Realm uses secure payment processing technologies to protect your financial information and ensure your privacy.

Can I give as little or as much as I want?

Online donations must be a minimum of $3.00 and there are no limitations on the maximum amount.  You will have the option to give once or multiple times (for a set period of time of your choosing).  

Are there any hidden charges or fees?

There are no hidden fees that you will ever be required to pay. Holy Cross is charged a 3% processing fee by Realm for every transaction. You will be presented with the option to pay this fee by clicking the appropriate checkbox, but once again, it is entirely voluntary. 

How can members keep track of what they have contributed?

Once you schedule a gift, you will be able to create an online account, where you will be able to get a report of your entire giving history. This list is convenient to print out at the end of the year for tax purposes.

How do I get started?

Go to and choose an amount, date, and frequency of your online donation.

When selecting the “Fund” that your donation should go to, the two most common options are “Pledge” for church members and “Gifts (Non-Pledges)” for newcomers or non-members.

After you select the Continue button, you will be prompted to enter your credit card, debit card, or bank payment information.

What is stewardship?

It is the faithful management of one’s time, talents, and financial resources, given in gratitude to God. It encompasses a commitment to support and sustain the church’s mission, ministries, and community through generous and responsible contributions.

What are the church's expectations?

Members are encouraged to thoughtfully support our mission by giving of their time, talents, and financial resources in  accordance with their individual ability and circumstances. Every act of stewardship, no matter the size or form, is valuable and contributes to the strength and vitality of our church community.

Are there other forms of stewardship besides financial giving?

Absolutely! Stewardship extends well beyond monetary contributions. It includes volunteering time for church activities, sharing your unique talents like teaching, music, or leadership, and participating in community outreach.

How does my stewardship impact Holy Cross?

Your stewardship is crucial for sustaining our church’s operations, supporting our clergy, and funding vital programs and outreach efforts. Beyond financial gifts, your time and talents nurture our community, enhancing our collective spiritual growth while impacting the wider community.

Do you accept planned giving?

Planned giving is a powerful expression of faith and commitment to the enduring mission of our church, whether through a bequest in your will, trust, retirement account, life insurance designations, etc. We recommend speaking with a financial advisor or estate planner to understand the best options for your situation. Our church leadership is also here to discuss how your gift can align with the needs and vision of Holy Cross.

Together, We Make a Difference

Your pledge helps create a place where you can find belonging and connection. It ensures a welcoming environment where your faith grows alongside others who share your journey.

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Pledge Form

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