Have questions about life?

In this series of conversations around life, faith, and meaning, you’ll have the space and a place to explore life’s big questions.

What is Alpha?

Alpha is a series of sessions that casually explores the basics of the Christian faith. It’s a place for the curious or the skeptical to ask questions, discuss life’s meaning, and investigate topics like the purpose of prayer and how God might guide us.

Alpha is open to everyone, regardless of your background or beliefs, and offers a non-judgmental space for exploration and conversation.

How it works

Alpha is typically run as 8 weekly sessions. Each session begins with a shared meal or refreshments, creating a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. This is followed by a short talk or video presentation focused on a core aspect of Christianity.

Afterward, the group breaks into smaller discussion circles. This is where everyone can freely share their thoughts, ask questions, and engage in open conversations about the topic presented. There’s no pressure to have all the answers, and everyone’s perspective is welcome.

Discover the Power of Alpha

Read how it changed attendees' perspectives about Christianity and what it means to be a Christian


Questions about Alpha

Alpha welcomes anyone curious about Christianity, regardless of their current beliefs or faith background. It’s a space for skeptics, spiritual seekers, those new to faith or wresting with it, or simply anyone seeking a community to explore life’s big questions and share experiences. Holy Cross is that community and like Alpha, we welcome all perspectives.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Are you interested in learning more about Christianity, even if you have doubts? Would you like to connect with others who are open to exploring faith in a welcoming environment? There’s no pressure to believe anything specific. It’s about open exploration and respectful dialogue. Show up for a session and find out firsthand.

Absolutely not! While Alpha is designed as a series with a progression, there’s no obligation to attend every session. Life happens, and you might have other commitments pop up. Even if you attend a session or two and decide it’s not for you, we respect your decision. We are a casual group sharing our mutual interest in food, fun, and faith. Should you ever change your mind and want to come back, we will receive you with open arms. 
Alpha costs you nothing. All food and drink is provided by Holy Cross absolutely free of charge.  The idea is to make every session accessible to anyone who’s interested, regardless of their financial situation. 

Still have questions? Want to check it out?

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